Rebel Med NW

Rebel Med NW is an integrative medical practice in Seattle, WA. Our integrative health medicine includes a variety of techniques both conventional and alternative. We offer Primary Care and Preventative Medicine, Biofeedback, Acupuncture, Physical Medicine such as Spinal Manipulations, Massage Therapy, Herbal Medicines from both Chineseand Western approaches, and conventional modern medicine such as lab ordering and pharmaceuticals. Our approach offers the best use of both alternative and conventional medical care and the benefit of genuine collaboration of many providers.


Health is more than a singular objective; it happens in our consistent daily living. It means different things to different people, and will look different from one person to another. But experience of health should be one of empowerment, not control. True health is empowering the mind, body, and spirit. When foster wellness by addressing your entire mind, body and spirit, it realigns your overall physiology and improves your response to all aspects of life including your response to other medical care that you are receiving.


At Rebel Med NW, we believe that healthcare is a human right and meant to reach all peoples in an equitable and sustainable way. Healthcare means individual accountability to ourselves, social accountability to each other, and accountability to our environment. It is also respect for our bodies, our bodies’ boundaries, and our bodies’ own ability to heal.


About Dr. Jessica Schule:

Dr. Jessica Schule is a Naturopathic Physician who practices primary care and specializes in women’s health. She will additionally be receiving her Acupuncture license as of June 2021. As a reproductive medicine provider at our clinic, she is focused on using her skills and knowledge to help her patients optimize their bodies; she finds a great fit with other physically active women. One of her passions is to help her new motherhood patients find their way to their new selves and their new-motherly bodies. She focuses on hormone balancing and supporting the fourth trimester with diet, nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle modifications. When she is not doing this, she is taking care of her own two-year-old daughter. Having gone through the process herself, Dr. Schule enjoys drawing from her own experience to advocate for her patients.


About Dr. Phonexay Simon:

Dr. Phonexay Simon is a Licensed Acupuncturist who has obtained her Master’s and Doctorate level education in Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine. With her undergraduate focus in Psychology, she specializes in combining acupuncture with psychological medicine based in her East Asian medicine philosophy and training. She enjoys integrating the physical, psycho-emotional, and spiritual benefits of acupuncture medicine for all of her patients. As a mother of two herself, she knows the challenges that mothers face – now more than ever. The fourth trimester was the most difficult for Dr. Phonexay, so while she enjoys being an advocate and information source during all the phases of the reproductive process, she really wants to create a larger focus around care and support for the postpartum period.



Proactive Pregnancy program InfoSheet


Proactive Preconception Infosheet


RMNW Proactive Pregnancy InfoSheet


RMNW Proactive Postpartum Infosheet

Get to Know Rebel Med NW