For Providers

At SRM, we appreciate your referrals and look forward to working with your patients to address their reproductive care needs. We believe in a collaborative approach, and your patients will benefit from the collective experience of our provider team. We are always here for questions, and please feel free to contact us directly.
Thank you,
Nancy Klein, MD

When to refer


Egg Freezing


Hysterosalpingram to assess tubal patency


Blocked fallopian tubes


Donor sperm insemination


Gestational surrogacy


Family history of genetic diseases or those that are found to be at risk of having a child with a genetic disease through carrier screening


History of cancer treatment


Wellness for PCOS health and fertility optimization


Female age 38 or older


Recurrent Pregnancy Loss


Inability to conceive within 6-12 months of discontinuing contraception


Ovulation problems such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, (PCOS) treated with 3 to 6 months of ovulation induction without conception


Significant male factor – sperm concentration less than 10 million per ml, or motility less than 40%


Abnormal ovarian reserve tests, such as elevated day 3 FSH level or AMH less than one


Moderate or severe endometriosis

Contact Us

Would you like to email an SRM Provider or request SRM print materials? Please email, and include your Name, Company Name, phone number, and more details about your request. Thank you!

SRM CME Activities

It is with regret that SRM announces the cancellation of our annual Seattle Reproductive Symposium and SRM CME Program. After careful consideration and assessment of various factors, we have made the difficult decision to discontinue our CME Program effective July 3, 2023.

For questions or concerns, please email Thank you for your understanding and support throughout the years.