Welcome to our new Physician Spotlight Series on the SRM blog! We hope this series helps you get to know our physicians a little better. You’ll see they’re a pretty interesting group of people!
To kick off the series, we recently caught up with Dr. Lin and asked him a few questions.
SRM: Dr. Lin, where is your hometown?
Buffalo, New York. My father was a professor at SUNY-Buffalo when I was growing up.
SRM: Why did you decide to go to medical school?
I was a science geek in college. I liked chemistry and thought of going to graduate school in chemistry. But I liked the personal aspects of medicine and science and decided I would rather practice medicine than sit in a lab.
SRM: Why did you choose to specialize in Obstetrics/Gynecology and then subspecialize in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility?
I loved the happiness of being involved in the beginning of life. It’s the ability to create happiness that brought me to this.
SRM: What kind of work would you choose to do if you weren’t a physician?
Counseling. I would be a social work counselor – or a ski instructor.

SRM: What do you do to relax?
I like hanging out with my wife and kids, and I’m very physical. I like to ski and bike. I often bike to work three or four times a week when the weather’s nice. I also like watching stupid, mindless movies like “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” (with Steve Carell) and “Old School” (with Will Ferrell). I’m not a plot guy. I don’t need character development. I live in such an intense world at work, and I take work seriously. But I also feel there has to be a sense of humor. Amy Schumer cracks me up.

Click here to learn more about Dr. Paul Lin.